Heartbase, Inc. Certified in ACC-NCDR EP-DI v3.0

CHICAGO, IL – We are excited to announce that heartbase™ is officially certified by the ACC-NCDR for Version 3.0 of the EP Device Implant Registry (EP-DI) Database. 

On January 29th at 12:30 PM CT, heartbase clinical specialist Carmen Ernst, RN, BSN, will hold a special training class covering the ins and outs of this version. Heartbase customers can click here to register. Heartbase staff highly recommends that users attend this session or view the recording.

From the ACC-NCDR website:

“EP Device Implant Registry™ establishes a national standard for understanding patient characteristics, treatments, outcomes, device safety and the overall quality of care for ICD/ CRT-D and select novel pacemaker procedures, while also delivering benchmarking data. Participating facilities can submit data for pacemaker procedures or submit data for ICD/ CRT-D procedures or submit data for both. The registry plays an important role in providing data-driven knowledge for optimizing patient care.”

Participation offers:

  • Integration & Interoperability with other heartbase hbCOR registry events.
  • Interoperability options from other hospital systems, such as Epic Clarity, to allow for the pre-population of discrete fields.
  • A comprehensively streamlined & customizable electronic DCF, improving upon the flow and functionality of the ACC Online Tool, with options such as role-based access.
  • Simplified reporting with the hbQuery Tool, with measure reporting and other standard reports to follow.
  • Integration with the hbRecon Module to ensure EP-DI cases are correctly coded and billed, maximizing reimbursement.
  • Planned hbAnalytics updates to include new measure reporting and associated breakout reports.

If you’re an EP-DI data manager or abstractor and would like to take a look at our new forms, please contact heartbase Client Account Manager Alex Potanos to schedule a review session. 

About heartbase, Inc.

Heartbase™ is a privately-held company founded in 1992 and designed to be intuitive & centered on the needs of the clinician. Since our inception, we have known that the most effective way to develop a robust and reflexive software platform is through collegial partnerships with our clinical & financial users. Working directly with our customers – listening to their concerns and honoring their suggestions for improvement – allows us to build a tool that is fast, efficient, and tailored specifically to the individual needs of each healthcare institution.

Our primary major business lines are the following: hbCOR, Data Capture & Reporting; hbAnalytics, Realtime Clinical & Financial Dashboards; hbRecon, Coding Reconciliation & Revenue Generation; & hbNote, Data First Structured Reporting.

Heartbase Certified in ACC-NCDR AFib Ablation v2.0

CHICAGO, IL—As of September 30th, 2024, we are excited to announce that heartbase™ is officially certified by the ACC-NCDR for Version 2.0 of the AFib Ablation Registry Database. This registry begins with October 2024 discharges, and for the first time offers the ability to track follow-up visits. Heartbase Users, please contact Support@heartbase.net to schedule your upgrade today!

From the ACC-NCDR website:

“The AFib Ablation Registry™ assesses the prevalence, demographics, acute management and outcomes of patients undergoing atrial fibrillation (AFib) catheter ablation procedures. Its data supports the development of evidence-based guidelines for AFib treatments that will improve patient outcomes.”

Participation offers:

  • Integration & Interoperability with other heartbase hbCOR registry events.
  • Interoperability options from other hospital systems, such as Epic Clarity, to allow for the pre-population of discrete fields.
  • A comprehensively streamlined & customizable electronic DCF, improving upon the flow and functionality of the ACC Online Tool, with options such as role-based access.
  • Simplified reporting with the hbQuery Tool, with standard reports to follow.
  • Pending integration with the hbRecon Module to ensure AFib Ablation cases are correctly coded and billed, maximizing reimbursement.

About heartbase, Inc.

Since 1992, heartbase™ has provided health care centers with the most technologically innovative and clinically intuitive data management and analytic solution in the industry. Working collegially with its immense network of users, heartbase™ has created a vast library of reporting tools that provides its clients with complete control of their hospital-owned clinical data. Heartbase’s revolutionary hbCOR platform propels clinical performance, aligns clinical data with registry requirements, and unites health care systems from across our network to the most comprehensive reporting repository in the industry.

Heartbase, Inc. Officially Supports the STS Adult Cardiac Beta Blocker & General Thoracic Neo-Adjuvant Supplemental Forms

CHICAGO, IL – We are excited to announce that heartbase™ officially supports the STS Adult Cardiac Beta Blocker Supplemental Form for v4.20.2 and General Thoracic Neo-Adjuvant Supplemental Form for v5.21.1. On April 30th, heartbase clinical specialist Carmen Ernst, RN, BSN, will hold a special training class covering the ins and outs of these optional updates. Heartbase customers can click here to register.

From the STS:
“Advances in medicine, technology and research interests has generated the need for The Society of Thoracic Surgeons (STS) to collect additional data from sites related to the already existing registries: Adult Cardiac Surgery Database (ACSD), General Thoracic Surgery Database (GTSD), and Congenital Heart Surgery Database (CHSD). This information is needed in a timely manner and cannot wait until the registries have completed a full data specification upgrade. To facilitate obtaining this data as soon as possible, the STS is providing REDCap web pages and is asking sites to voluntarily use these forms for recording the supplemental data.

Many sites have expressed the desire to not have to switch to a different platform for recording any additional information, preferring to keep all data entry within their current vendor software. For this reason, STS is making the specifications for these data collection forms available to software vendors who are already certified on the latest versions of each registry so the new fields can be incorporated into their existing software. There is no requirement from the STS for vendors to incorporate these fields into their software and doing so is completely voluntary.”

Participation using hbCOR offers:

  • A single location to capture and audit both standard and supplemental STS ACSD & GTSD variables.
  • Ability to run AD HOC reports using the hbQuery Tool for the supplemental fields.
  • Facilitated submission to REDCap – vendors must submit the supplemental data to the STS on behalf of the organization.

Please contact the heartbase Sales Team (sales@heartbase.net) with any questions about adding this optional form to your heartbase hbCOR instance.

About heartbase, Inc.

Heartbase™ is a privately-held company founded in 1992 and designed to be intuitive & centered on the needs of the clinician. Since our inception, we have known that the most effective way to develop a robust and reflexive software platform is through collegial partnerships with our clinical & financial users. Working directly with our customers – listening to their concerns and honoring their suggestions for improvement – allows us to build a tool that is fast, efficient, and tailored specifically to the individual needs of each healthcare institution.

Our primary major business lines are the following: hbCOR, Data Capture & Reporting; hbAnalytics, Realtime Clinical & Financial Dashboards; hbRecon, Coding Reconciliation & Revenue Generation; & hbNote, Data First Structured Reporting.

Heartbase, Inc. Certified in ACC-NCDR Chest Pain – MI v3.1

CHICAGO, IL – As of June 30th, 2023, we are excited to announce that heartbase™ is officially certified by the ACC-NCDR for Version 3.1 of the Chest Pain – MI Registry Database. Heartbase users, please visit the heartbase hbKnowledgebase to view the recording of Carmen Ernst’s walkthrough of this new version – please click here. The heartbase staff highly recommends that users view the recording, as this version change was substantial in scope.

From the ACC-NCDR website:

“For more than a decade, the Chest Pain – MI Registry™ has been the single, most trusted source for outcomes-based, continuous quality improvement and remains the go-to registry for hospitals and health systems applying American College of Cardiology (ACC) and American Heart Association (AHA) clinical guideline recommendations.”

Participation offers:

  • Integration & Interoperability with other heartbase hbCOR registry events.
  • Interoperability options from other hospital systems, such as Epic Clarity, to allow for the pre-population of discrete fields.
  • A comprehensively streamlined & customizable electronic DCF, improving upon the flow and functionality of the ACC Online Tool, with options such as role-based access.
  • Simplified reporting with the hbQuery Tool, with measure reporting and other standard reports to follow.
  • Integration with the hbRecon Module to ensure CP-MI cases are correctly coded and billed, maximizing reimbursement.
  • Planned hbAnalytics updates to include new measure reporting and associated breakout reports.

If you’re a CP-MI data manager or abstractor and would like to take a look at our new forms, please contact heartbase Client Account Manager Alex Potanos to schedule a review session. 

About heartbase, Inc.

Heartbase™ is a privately-held company founded in 1992 and designed to be intuitive & centered on the needs of the clinician. Since our inception, we have known that the most effective way to develop a robust and reflexive software platform is through collegial partnerships with our clinical & financial users. Working directly with our customers – listening to their concerns and honoring their suggestions for improvement – allows us to build a tool that is fast, efficient, and tailored specifically to the individual needs of each healthcare institution.

Heartbase, Inc. Certified in STS CHSD v6.23.2

CHICAGO, IL – We are excited to announce that heartbase™ is officially certified by the STS  for Version 6.23.2 of the STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database. On June 13th, 2023, at 2 pm CT, heartbase clinical specialist Carmen Ernst, RN, BSN, will hold a special training class covering the ins and outs of this version. Heartbase customers can click here to register.

From the STS website:

“The STS Congenital Heart Surgery Database (CHSD) is the largest database in North America dealing with congenital cardiac malformations. The CHSD contains more than 600,000 congenital heart surgery procedure records and currently has more than 1,000 participating physicians, including surgeons and anesthesiologists.”

Participation offers:

  • A standardized format for data collection to assess the care of patients undergoing congenital cardiothoracic procedures.
  • Semi-annual performance outcomes reports in a format that allows comparison of local outcomes against national standards.
  • An optional anesthesiology component, which enhances data collection and quality assessment for improving the care of patients undergoing cardiothoracic procedures and surgery.
  • Analysis of major outcomes and process-of-care measures that impact congenital heart surgery patients.
  • Complexity scoring to evaluate the clinical characteristics of your practice.

If you’re a CHSD data manager or abstractor and would like to take a look at our new forms, please contact heartbase Client Account Manager Alex Potanos to schedule a review session. 

About heartbase, Inc.

Heartbase™ is a privately-held company founded in 1992 and designed to be intuitive & centered on the needs of the clinician. Since our inception, we have known that the most effective way to develop a robust and reflexive software platform is through collegial partnerships with our clinical & financial users. Working directly with our customers – listening to their concerns and honoring their suggestions for improvement – allows us to build a tool that is fast, efficient, and tailored specifically to the individual needs of each healthcare institution.

Our primary major business lines are the following: hbCOR, Data Capture & Reporting; hbAnalytics, Realtime Clinical & Financial Dashboards; hbRecon, Coding Reconciliation & Revenue Generation; & hbNote, Data First Structured Reporting.

Heartbase, Inc. Now Supports the ACC-NCDR CathPCI Risk-Adjusted Measures

Standardized Bleeding & Risk Adjusted Bleeding, In-Hospital Risk Adjusted Mortality & 30-Day Risk Adjusted Mortality, and Risk Adjusted Acute Kidney Injury & Risk Adjusted Dialysis

CHICAGO, IL – Heartbase now officially licenses the ACC-NCDR CathPCI Adjusted Measures for CathPCI: Standardized Bleeding & Risk Adjusted Bleeding, In-Hospital Risk Adjusted Mortality & 30-Day Risk Adjusted Mortality, and Risk Adjusted Acute Kidney Injury & Risk Adjusted Dialysis. This update will be available in both the standard hbReporting and hbAnalytics platforms.

Highlights of heartbase’s support of the CathPCI Risk-Adjusted Measures include:

  • Network, Hospital, Provider, and Patient-Level Drill-through with real-time analysis of outliers.
  • Integration of the risk-adjusted measures into the Executive Summary reports – with additional breakout dashboards.
  • Optional financial integration with the heartbase Financial Module.

If you’re an ACC-NCDR CathPCI data manager or abstracter and have any questions, please contact heartbase Account Manager Alex Potanos (apotanos@heartbase.net) for more information.

About heartbase, Inc. Since 1992, heartbase™ has provided health care centers with the most technologically innovative and clinically intuitive data management and analytic solution in the industry. Working collegially with its immense network of users, heartbase™ has created a vast library of reporting tools that provides its clients with complete control of their hospital-owned clinical data. Heartbase’s revolutionary hbCOR platform propels clinical performance, aligns clinical data with registry requirements, and unites health care systems from across our network to the most comprehensive reporting repository in the industry.

STS Adult Cardiac Version 4.20.2 – Heartbase Certified

06.19.2020, CHICAGO, IL – We are excited to announce that as of June 19th, 2020, heartbase is officially certified by the Society of Thoracic Surgeons to accept data for the newest version of the Adult Cardiac Surgical Database. Version 4.20.2 will go live beginning with July 1st surgeries. As one of the first vendors to be certified, we are thrilled that the new forms have already been deployed to the majority of our clients, and we will work diligently to provide our users with the service and support they need as they begin this enormous new undertaking.

The changes to the new registry version do not end with the name. A few notable changes that users should expect in STS ACSD v4.20.2 include:

  • Revisions & changes to 1,000+ fields
  • An Updated Data Dictionary
  • Data submission through IQVIA process

In preparation for this version change, heartbase staff has led preview sessions on May 28th and June 9th. On July 21st, at 1 pm CT, heartbase clinical specialist Carmen Ernst will hold a special training class covering the ins-and-outs of this version change. Heartbase customers can click here to register.

If you’re an Adult Cardiac data manager or abstracter and would like to take a look at our new forms, please contact heartbase sales associate Alex Potanos to schedule a review session.

About heartbase, Inc.Since 1992, heartbase™ has provided health care centers with the most technologically innovative and clinically intuitive data management and analytic solution in the industry. Working collegially with its immense network of users, heartbase™ has created a vast library of reporting tools that provides its clients with complete control of their hospital-owned clinical data. Heartbase’s revolutionary hbCOR platform propels clinical performance, aligns clinical data with registry requirements, and unites health care systems from across our network to the most comprehensive reporting repository in the industry.

Request a Demo Want to see how we can help you with collection and reporting?