Chicago – July 7, 2017
Heartbase, Inc. is pleased to announce that we have completed the Risk Algorithm certification and are now fully Society of Thoracic Surgeons Adult Cardiac Registry version 2.9 certified! The massive 1426-field Adult Cardiac v2.9 – which includes 586 new fields – is the largest registry to date, and the robust new Risk Algorithm has tripled in size from its 2.81 predecessor. As one of the first vendors to be certified, we are thrilled that the new forms have already been deployed to the majority of our clients, and we will work diligently to provide our users with the service and support they need as they begin this enormous new undertaking. Additionally, we will continue to offer educational opportunities to facilitate a smooth transition to v2.9.
Heartbase trainer Carmen Ernst will present our new STS Adult Cardiac v2.9 web forms in a webinar on Tuesday July 11, 1-2pm CDT. The class will be restricted to current heartbase customers. Click here to join.
Please contact to learn more about heartbase’s new STS Adult Cardiac v2.9 forms.